ROSA - The Danish Rock Council
ProgrammeSPOT 6.0SPOT 6.0
8th - 9th October 1999
Ridehuset • Vox Hall • Brolin Scenen • Musikhuset
ForewordOnline concerts via KoncertNet

Once again it's time for the SPOT- concerts in Aarhus. Denmarks only music festival that focuses on newer pop and rock music. However, on the doorstep to the new millenium, SPOT version 6.0 has expanded its horizons, not only geografically, but also with regard to genre and size.
SPOT version 6.0 presents newer pop and rock Nordic style, in all available flavours.
It's not because the Danish music scene has suddenly become uninteresting, but we believe that there is a need for a Nordic inspired festival.
We hope that the SPOT initiative in Aarhus will be a meeting place for a wide selection of actors on the Nordic music scene, and thereby also an exchange mart for musicians, concert arrangers and others within the industry
At the same time however, we expect to be able to hold onto and futher develope the interest our many European guest from the profesional music scene has show over the years.
With 43 concerts in 2 days, a series of music oriented workshops, lectures and vocational meetings, all of the involved will have their hands full.
We also hope that the Aarhusian concert go'ers, will respond the the programme presented here and that the musicians, bands and profesional guests will enjoy and benifit from the event.
I would like to thank :-
all of the volunteers that make this event possible.
all of the musicians and bands - also them there wasn't room for.
all of our serious partners.
and Tuborg, for its loyal support for the event over many years.

Welcome to SPOT version 6.0

Gunnar K Madsen
Manging Director for ROSA - The Danish Rock Council


ROSA has entered an agreement with Element X, where they will record and edit the concerts for approx. 15 Danish bands during SPOT v. 6.0. These concerts will be available on the internet soon after SPOT vers. 6.0 via KoncertNet.

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